Physical Therapy Information

Physical Therapy Information
"To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift." -Pre

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Prevent Injuries with Neuromuscular Training

In our PT clinic, we see so many young athletes who have been injured for no apparent reason.  They describe the typical scenario: running along playing soccer, stopped quickly and turned, and BAM!  Knee pain and swelling.

These non-contact injuries can be devastating.  If another athlete jumps up and lands on your knee from the side, you may get injured, but at least you'll understand why you got injured.  But if you're just running along and go to turn and twist your knee, that injury can be confusing. What did you do wrong?

Recently the American Academy of Pediatrics published a paper about ACL injuries in young athletes.  In it, they cite that one of the most modifiable variables for the prevention of non-contact ACL injuries is proper training with a neuromuscular component.

The physical therapists at Capital Region Physical Therapy are all trained to assess your form when running, jumping, and landing and can prescribe the correct neuromuscular training program to help you prevent non-contact injuries while participating in sports.  Call your PT and ask about working on proper neuromuscular training for your specific sport.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Physical Therapy Month and the Myths Surrounding PT

October is National Physical Therapy Month, and this year the theme is "Common Myths About Physical Therapy."  The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) has released information about PT and the myths associated with the profession.

A couple years ago, I wrote an article on my page called Physical Therapy Mythbusters.  It was a tongue in cheek look at some common PT myths (like PTs and chiropractors don't get along).

The APTA list is a little different from mine, and I'm glad.  It would be a little uncomfortable if my professional organization was stealing my content and using it for their national campaign.

Here's both links so you can see for yourself:

Stories from Behind the Curtain in PT

This afternoon I was working with a patient who had a partial knee replacement surgery.  He is an active person, but his knee pain would prevent him from running and playing tennis, so he opted for the surgery to help get back on track.

Overall he is doing well.  This morning we shared a little chuckle.  He was working on quadriceps strengthening on the Cybex leg extension machine.  The first repetition he tried was difficult and he winced.

I asked if he was ok, and he stated he was.  I told him the first rep of any exercise is difficult, and the last 3 were also tough.

He asked if we were only doing 4 reps.

Funny guy.

What's with All the Kinesiology Tape?

You've heard about kinesiology tape, haven't you?  If you have watched just about any sporting event in the past few years, you've probably noticed your favorite athletes plastered in colorful tape on their shoulders, knees, wrists, or calves.

So what is the stuff?  Kinesiology tape is a special type of athletic tape that is non-latex and elastic.  It's special properties can be used for many different functions including:

  • Muscle facilitation
  • Muscle inhibition and pain control
  • Swelling management
Kinesiology tape involves using different types of tape strips to serve a specific purpose.  Suppose your physical therapist assesses your painful shoulder and decides that rotator cuff weakness may be causing your problem.  He or she will likely prescribe rotator cuff strengthening exercises, and kinesiology tape may be used on your shoulder to facilitate rotator cuff contractions and improve your body's ability to use your rotator cuff muscles to support your shoulder.

Kinesiology tape isn't for everyone, and some folks with certain medical conditions should avoid it.  A visit with your PT can help decide if kinesiology tape is right for you and your specific condition.

At Capital Region Physical Therapy, we sometimes use kinesiology tape to help augment your physical therapy program.  It's not for everyone, but it may be something your PT may consider to help improve your overall rehab outcome.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Let's Learn about Physical Therapy

So, I'm writing a blog.  It's not my first foray into blogging. You see, I am the physical therapy expert at, and I've been writing a blog there for the past few years.
Recently, the higher ups at About have stopped making blogging a requirement for the Experts there. This is a good thing, as the About folks are trying to take things in a different direction, and fulfilling the blog requirements could be a little challenging there.
But, I like blogging.  I enjoy writing in a conversational tone in the first person. So I decided to create this blog.
I'm the owner of Capital Region Physical Therapy, a small private practice in Albany, NY.  Our slogan: Your Pain is Personal.  Shouldn't Your Treatment Be?
The purpose of most of my posts will be about physical therapy, since I am a PT and the PT Expert at  I want you to understand what PT is all about.  I want you to have a basic knowledge of what to expect from your PT if you ever require inpatient or outpatient rehabilitation.
Plus, I just want to write about stuff.  I like stuff.
You can learn more about me from my bio page at About, and be sure to check in from time to time to see what I'm up to.